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Lazy Mom's Guide to Thanksgiving Crafts

I want to preface this by saying I am NOT crafty. While one glimpse into our guest room might convince you otherwise, I am in fact more of a craft supply hoarder and less of an actual crafter. Just ask my husband about the candle making kit that has been sitting in our garage for almost three years #oops.

So I promise you that this is EASY (albeit a bit messy).

We will be hosting my husband's family this Turkey Day. I thought I'd be extra clever and make Thanksgiving place cards for both strategic seating arrangements (do not put Aunt K near Uncle T!) and a little keepsake as take home gifts.

Last year Augusta was only a few months old so we did this with her foot print instead of her hand. This year she is big enough to get her hands dirty and somewhat listen to me as I whimper, "Not in your mouth!"

We use Crayola's Washable (non-toxic) Paint. It's amazing and wipes clean with baby wipes and soap and water. I'd actually recommend keeping a whole package of wipes next to you while doing this project.

1. Put your turkey's paint color onto a paper plate (we chose brown).

2. Smear your child's hand onto the plate and gently put it onto the card stock. Repeat as many times as he/she will let you...

3. Let dry. (Clean up the baby!)

4. Use paint brush or marker to draw on the eye, feet and red goatee.

5. This is when you can get as creative as you want. I chose to use some feathers and leaves and my hot glue gun to give these little guys some pizazz.

DONE! See? Very easy.

My favorite part? Using the throw-aways or extras as special cards to send to my family back in Minnesota.

Happy Crafting!

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