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Water Safety: Get Your Kids Ready for the Pool This Summer

Ok moms, let’s get real. Your social media-conscious friends are posting pictures of their kids rolling around on splash pads and the sand… summer is approaching, and it’s time to get ready for the water.

If you’re sitting there wondering how you’re going to get your kid in the pool without them sinking to the bottom like a box of Legos, you’re not alone. You’re a mom. You’re allowed to worry. It’s natural and necessary.

The truth is that swimming is a life skill, and the first step to being comfortable taking your children to the pool is to know some water safety tips. In this blog post I’ll show you some tips on how to get your kids ready for the pool this summer.

Real talk techniques:

Some people will give common sense steps, but I want to show you real and not-so-common-sense steps if an emergency were to arise. So let’s all take a moment to learn. Shall we?

  1. Find at least 2 ways to get out of the pool. Show your kids the steps, the ledges, the ladders, or wherever the SAFEST and EASIEST spots are to get out. Pro tip: Have them tell you the spots so you know they know. You know?

  2. Have them get out on their own. I teach all of my students how to hold onto the side of the pool. Another way to do this is by having them navigate themselves to an exit in case they ever accidentally fall in.

  3. Floating! A highly proven way to easily stay above water (besides treading) is to float on your back. I show my students how to lay flat like a pancake. It’s fun and very helpful in a situation where you may get tired and need a break. And no, your donut-shaped pool float from Target won’t save you.

  4. Have a family emergency plan. Last but definitely not least, discuss with your family what actions you’ll need to take in case of an emergency. Assign roles. Teach your children how and when to call 911 for help, quiz them to make sure they remember what to do. Include them in planning and drills. Everyone’s plan can be different, but it’s important to always expect the unexpected.

Important reminders:

Lessons. I feel like this is an obvious one, but unless they have Michael Phelps’ genes, it’s probably not a good idea to throw your kid in and assume they’ll figure it out.

Constant supervision. Lifeguards or not, and no matter how exciting that Liane Moriarity novel is getting, someone needs to keep watch. *Remember that lessons never take the place of the need for adult supervision.

Fences/covers. There are plenty of places on the Westside that do installations for fences around your pool. Pool Guard LA installs fences and safe covers. They’re known for going above and beyond to make sure you get the best equipment for your needs.

Breaks. Ever wonder why public pools have safety breaks? It’s not just for lifeguards to have some down time. Have them take a breather every now and then. Throw them an Honest Co® juice box.

Learn CPR and first aid. Find a course that works with your schedule at A+ CPR (at La Cienega and Pico) or check out Red Cross online classes.

Buddy system. No one should ever swim alone!! I can’t stress this enough. Having a buddy will help prevent accidents.

Amanda Van Cleve is a swim instructor with her own business, Splash With Me. She has been around the water her whole life and plans to keep it that way. She is from The Woodlands, TX and graduated from Texas A&M University where she studied education and business. Amanda moved to LA after college, and is now teaching students of all ages across the westside how to love swimming as much as she does.

You can learn more about her lessons at, or contact her via email. Also check her out on Facebook and Instagram (@splashwithmeLA). Get 20% off your first month of lessons if you mention this blog post!

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